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What are my Chances on Appeal?

As an experienced appellate lawyer, this is probably the most frequently asked question by clients. Appeals require a significant financial and emotional investment, and there’s a lot at stake. In some situations, the appeal is the final challenge available to you. We understand why you want the answer to this question, but it’s not simple.

Each Case Is Different

Even though statistics exist regarding percent chance of success at each level of appeal, this is not reliable data. Each case must be evaluated on its own merits. There are so many factors for a lawyer to consider when evaluating chances of success, and that is why it is so critical to hire an attorney with experience practicing appeals.

Outcomes Are Not Predictable

Even with years of experience working in the appellate courts, outcomes are almost never predictable. Very little law is straight forward, even when your common sense tells you something is correct. It takes a very experienced practitioner to present your appellate claims in a favorable way to give you the best chance of success. There is also a human factor- judges are people- and that prevents anyone from truly predicting an outcome.

How Do I Maximize My Chances?

Since the future is unpredictable, the best way to increase your odds of winning your appeal is to hire an attorney that has extensive experience, skill, and compassion. The attorneys at Clouthier Law practice only in the area of appeals and have the knowledge and skills to present a thoughtful and persuasive appeal on your behalf. Call us at 346-443-4300 for a consultation to discuss your appellate needs.

Client Reviews

Susan has worked tirelessly for years filing appeals on my behalf. Finally her efforts and persistence has paid off. After serving 11 and 1/2 years, I was released from Federal Prison and have been able to return to my family and help once again with raising my children [now age 16]. My family and I...

Joe R.

Our case was complicated and time critical. Susan took charge of the entire process, keeping us updated with texts, phone calls and emails. She worked through a Holiday weekend to make certain our case got the attention and success required to bring our loved one home. It is also very important to...

Jack H.

Susan is a thoroughly dedicated professional that has a unique empathy for cases that reveal the misapplication of justice that so often affects those with limited resources. Through her tireless efforts, one of my best friends had six years reduced from his sentence. The family and I will be...

James P.